Yuu Haruna, a loner and an avid Twitter user, has just transferred to a new school in Tokyo. He ends up befriending a unique high school girl named Fuuka Akitsuki, despite some initial conflict, and the two wind up forming a band together with their classmates. Their relationship becomes strained however when Koyuki Hinashi, Yuu's childhood friend who has become a popular idol, contacts Yuu on Twitter and attempts to rekindle long lost feelings.
- Year: 2017
- Country: Japan, United States of America
- Genre: Animation, Drama
- Studio: WOWOW Prime, Tokyo MX, BS11, MBS
- Keyword: high school, romance, coming of age, school, based on manga, school life, ecchi, shounen, anime
- Director:
- Cast: Lynn, Saori Hayami, Yusuke Kobayashi, Soma Saito, Mikako Komatsu, Kazuyuki Okitsu