Spoons was a comedy sketch show first broadcast on the United Kingdom's Channel 4 from 30 September 2005. In the United States, Spoons is broadcast on BBC America. The relationship themed show combined recent trends in sketch shows — dark content, strong language, and recurring catchphrases. It was produced by Endemol owned production company, Zeppotron. Channel 4 didn't recommission the show for second series due to low ratings and bad reviews. The programme appeared at around the same time as two other similar sketch series based on relationships - Five's Swinging and BBC Three's Man Stroke Woman.
- Year: 2005
- Country:
- Genre: Comedy
- Studio: Channel 4
- Keyword: sketch comedy
- Director: Charlie Brooker
- Cast: Josie D'Arby, Kevin Bishop, Rosie Cavaliero, Elizabeth Bower, Kerry Godliman, Tom Goodman-Hill