The hyperactive teenage scuba diver, Hikari Kohinata, lives in a small town near the sea. On her first day of high school she meets the shy transfer student, Futaba Oki, who is struggling to find a place after moving away from Tokyo. Hikari takes the lead, dragging Futaba into her hijinx, and the two soon become close friends
- Year: 2018
- Country: Japan
- Genre: Animation, Comedy
- Studio: AT-X, Tokyo MX, BS11, Sun TV, KBS Kyoto
- Keyword: slice of life, school, based on manga, shounen, anime, iyashikei
- Director:
- Cast: Ai Kayano, Eri Suzuki, Saori Onishi, Yuuichirou Umehara, Kikuko Inoue, Yurika Kubo